He wanted a son, not another daughter, and she couldn’t give him one. We also learn that Kallis’s killer was hired by her husband. We learn later that all she wants is to have a baby-something she gave up in her transformation.
Lyria is killed and Yenn attempts to save her infant daughter but fails. Episode 4 - Yenn is escorting Queen Kallis of Lyria (Isobel Laidler)-a truly charming woman-when they’re attacked by a mage assassin.This is important because Jaskier is so intent on polishing up Geralt’s reputation, which isn’t great. Important to note here that Geralt still has the moniker Butcher of Blaviken, despite that infamous showdown having occurred nearly two decades earlier. Jaskier writes the heavily embellished hit “Toss A Coin To Your Witcher” which is now stuck in everyone’s head all the time. Episode 2 - Geralt mets Jaskier (Joey Batey) and he and the bard are abducted by elves ( Aen Seidhe).I would estimate the meeting of Geralt and Jaskier is around the year 1239. See my notes below in the 1249 paragraph. Timeline #2 - There is a big time jump here.
The Witcher Renfri Swordfight Credit: Netflix